Financial Assistance Program (FAP)

Club volleyball affords opportunities for an athlete’s development of skills necessary, on and off the volleyball court, to compete at the next level, whether that be next year in club, middle school, high school, or the collegiate level. Participating in club volleyball is a privilege parents/guardians make available to their athlete through a commitment of both time and financial resources.

Areté Athletics has no support from outside sources providing financial assistance for players. If anyone wishes to help support another player’s commitment to club volleyball, 100% of donations will go directly to the total budget for this year’s financial assistance program.

A committee evaluates all financial assistance requests on a case-by-case basis and reviews all applications anonymously. The committee is solely responsible for all financial award determinations, both in eligibility and in financial award amounts.


The Arete Athletics Financial Assistance Program is a need based program

  • An independent committee made up of internal & external community members is solely responsible for award decisions
  • For the upcoming 2024-2025 season, the application deadline is Saturday, June 15, 2024. No time extensions will be granted.
  • The committee will make final award decisions no later than Wednesday, July 3, 2024.
  • All application information will be kept extremely confidential. Only the Areté financial director will have access to the personal information provided. All information provided to the committee will be strictly anonymous.
  • Fill out the attached application and provide all necessary information to
  • Please note that applications that are not 100% complete will not be considered.

To apply and be considered for financial assistance, please click the link below: